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The ending spree of research papers

 Two years ago I planned in my small, safe, tobacco and caffeine room on the terrace that instead of the PhD degree whose entrance I cleared at a local good Uni and didn't apply, I would write multiple research papers instead alone.

Then, while conducting the tools I found an Indian company that offered some Amazon credit for a survey, I did my best and in two years of intense frustration I finished with 12 papers published across the research spectrum alone.

I knew independent research is trending and open journals abound, so I didn't even try to get them to a paid or unpaid journal.

I couldn't on Google Scholar as I do not have a Uni ID.

The last one, yesterday is on Syriac and Unani of India. 

In fact, I still have to complete my understanding of Gk. and Tamil before moving to the remaining three or six months project of working deeply with Chinese in Cantonese and CJKVM.

Let's hope that works. I have an Agra site visit on archaeology after elections, AI generated apps for a business in mind elsewhere and two music albums to produce too.

As things complete, I hope I do not forget any source, inspiration and cite everything well and yes, not spend money in the process too much as I am not bringing in much from any other place as of today.

Edit - 3rd May - I wrote a conclusive paper which will seem controversiable on Syriac but that is how I want things to be, hot open to debate. And I do sincerely believe in it. Now, AI app dev, Archaeology field visit and music production.


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