I do not enter policy side talking much, for desire to technically ascertain instead of usual run of the mill, but in this case, why Microsoft is being denied so many opportunities by Google (it is fantastic G to me) and now even Git people in Linux is actually nothing new, but check your clocks and calendars please, by 2025 the entire ecosystem of MS and G and even Linus is awash with trouble, hell even Intel is. I do not and do not care for Nvidia much (happy playing CS 1.6 Not retro BS). So when I see MS providing for OS stuff, and here is the messier part, I know why the Brits are good too. And so, I refrain. Outsider. Probably will try Substack at most. But yeah, MS deserves a lot more, then even Google is good. Apple is nationalistic as they just proved a few weeks ago, even though I rarely use their tech. Best from a Weasel sounding baboon. Microsoft Proposes "Hornet" Security Module For The Linux Kernel - Phoronix