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democrat squabbles

I do not enter policy side talking much, for desire to technically ascertain instead of usual run of the mill, but in this case, why Microsoft is being denied so many opportunities by Google (it is fantastic G to me) and now even Git people in Linux is actually nothing new, but check your clocks and calendars please, by 2025 the entire ecosystem of MS and G and even Linus is awash with trouble, hell even Intel is. I do not and do not care for Nvidia much (happy playing CS 1.6 Not retro BS).  So when I see MS providing for OS stuff, and here is the messier part, I know why the Brits are good too. And so, I refrain. Outsider. Probably will try Substack at most. But yeah, MS deserves a lot more, then even Google is good. Apple is nationalistic as they just proved a few weeks ago, even though I rarely use their tech.  Best from a Weasel sounding baboon. Microsoft Proposes "Hornet" Security Module For The Linux Kernel - Phoronix
Recent posts

promising geochemistry

 I get a kick from Isotopic stuff, and this is even better Barium Isotope Fingerprint for Recycled Ancient Sediment in the Source of EM1‐Type Continental Basalts Yi‐Shan Cheng1,2, Jian‐Qiang Liu1 , Li‐Hui Chen1 , Kai‐Yun Chen1, Jian Zhao1 , Xiao‐Jun Wang1, Gang Zeng3 , and Hong‐Fu Zhang2

finally I put out a music album

 it is made up of Vedic chants and some ambience, good for a pensive state of working, I did not publish as it is better free what came to me without what is actually infinity if not more. Details on the Soundcloud list, it is also available on Mixcloud to play

what im working on

audio album, translating Dharani Samgrah from Sanskrit to a readable Latin-Cyrillic for Mongols, drafting a policy paper for the Indian system, pc game mods dev using ai for fps games, exploring homeopathic tissue salts, ChemIDE, a trip to Bareilly temples pends, reading a few recent ebooks I bought, planning a business venture after all this completes :)

wierd timings and the affects of monetary vortexes

I guess I should have stopped my research spree last year, but after writing a paper and putting it up of research indexing domains of Eastern Islam, there was still some more steam, to which I created a light paper on finance and the systems after epidemic. It is only on web and not published or indexed anywhere beyond Google. It is my take on what it means, the whole shake-up of money and demographics for all of us at large in this world. On one Musk statement of whole population of the world on one floor of NY, on another 140 people per square meter despite Antartica included. On one hand one child maim or death per hour in Palestine on another IranAfghanPakIndia inner dissent even now. Eurocentrism is the heart of world. Here.

one of my favorite concepts in this season

 Circular dichroism (CD) is dichroism involving circularly polarized light, i.e., the differential absorption of left- and right-handed light. Left-hand circular (LHC) and right-hand circular (RHC) polarized light represent two possible spin angular momentum states for a photon, and so circular dichroism is also referred to as dichroism for spin angular momentum. This phenomenon was discovered by Jean-Baptiste Biot, Augustin Fresnel, and Aimé Cotton in the first half of the 19th century. 

A Postquantum Theory of Classical Gravity? by Jonathan Oppenheim

I guess the important people in these circles do not sensate is this, that light defies gravity, or modifies it. Hamilonian QFT is still not fully understood by me, but I get the Noether's and Wick's part of it. I do not want to sound precocious or Goodwill hunting but the matter is that calling Einstein classical is correct and using Quantum computing to postulate a successful QFT is the simple step pending. 

besides the fluff

  yEd Live - Untitled Document This tool is good to visualize for those who do not already. I rarely use it but I know well that these things matter to those who do not understand writing or research. Here it is! Use it like crazy with gpt, oh and be sure of the green software things. Don't get screaming hawkers who claim to be your tragic help and American Turks who send toolkits of love! Do your own thing. Best

Apps for Hindi audience, available as APKs

 I will try to ask some old contacts if they can help me test and publish to Google Console. Here they are - to appreciate them Skt. or Hindi is required. But they are to expand. So they can easily be Google Translated. vaibhavswire/KsheeroRekhaGoogleConsole: Google Android apps simply built in HTML for sharing with the Hindi world for promotion of certain skills and global exposure. ( Edit - 9th July 2024 - im trying to get them into Indus App Store, as well as remove Play Console as it requires 20 testers and else.


Soon to upload with links here :) Edit 1 June 2024 - Unlike writing and Oscar Wilde I'm better when I speak. But I'm pathologically averse to hearing or seeing myself recorded. It isn't the archival but the viewing by myself I do not like. The short of the long? I just published the first episode of my new podcast! Listen to औंधा वैभव के साथ on Anchor Edit 2 June 2024 - Here is the base English one on a list of books to read on various topics, one long list with a link to the books on Amazon Public list (no affiliate, I could not do it) - Edit 4 June 2024 - Here is the final one.

Thick thoughtstreams with links and items to get things done



 I wrote a comic in Chinese. Now I'm heading towards music and app dev. I got cool job as a AI analyst remotely. I hope to buy my wife and kids some stuff sooner than later as soon as I can make enough of it. Left Hand Light Lives - 左手 光線 住係度 (Traditional Chinese Edition) eBook : Sunder, Vaibhav : Kindle Store

On Mathura

 My little tiny rabbits at home want to go to Mathura and Vrindavan. Sri Vraja-Mandala Parikrama (Superbly Illustrated in Full Color) | Exotic India Art Read the above, then read this I wrote - (76) Comparative Analysis of Biographical-Evaluation Approaches in Islamic Scholarship: A Study of Shaykh Abd al-Hayy al-Laknawi and Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei's Works | Vaibhav Sunder -

The ending spree of research papers

 Two years ago I planned in my small, safe, tobacco and caffeine room on the terrace that instead of the PhD degree whose entrance I cleared at a local good Uni and didn't apply, I would write multiple research papers instead alone. Then, while conducting the tools I found an Indian company that offered some Amazon credit for a survey, I did my best and in two years of intense frustration I finished with 12 papers published across the research spectrum alone. I knew independent research is trending and open journals abound, so I didn't even try to get them to a paid or unpaid journal. I couldn't on Google Scholar as I do not have a Uni ID. The last one, yesterday is on Syriac and Unani of India.  In fact, I still have to complete my understanding of Gk. and Tamil before moving to the remaining three or six months project of working deeply with Chinese in Cantonese and CJKVM. Let's hope that works. I have an Agra site visit on archaeology after elections, AI generated ap...

the divinity and the mortality

 Here is a pic of my Puri 2023 visit August. The kids loved it. It is unabashedly my favourite temple of them all. I like Odisha for it's East vibe despite a strong sense of identity. Chakku made a friend on the train. She was very kind and he likes her by the whole look at the whole. I got a new laptop finally. My 11 research papers are all up and running. I move towards Dev in Music production and application dev with the help of AI and my sense of algorithms and structures. By many counts, it marks a chapter away from reading and writing intensely as now there is also a business to fructify. I repaired a pair of specs that Chakku broke and now can see!

Mechatronic dreams and the feminine machines

  This song delivered and ascended a thought-form childishly borne in rage of existence when I played Tekken as a young, confused and very aggressive inside boy - Yoshimitsu.  When I heard this, I knew the essence of that imagination that is six degrees stretch and the heart of migrants from Mongol lands. 

Shubhra's award ceremony 2022

I saw a Left wing article about Manuwada and Syedwad, if God allows  the Krishna temple to come up well in Mathura.  I shall rechristen her Vardhamana instead of Shui,  her pet name :) See from 19th minute if you feel bored

Ecological Terrorism

 Nature has a place and slant for everything. By the popularization of Marxism and not it's creation only, today Oklahoma and Ohio lakes have Piranhas and so do Kashmir lakes in India. If we believed in structures, one God and patience many  prayers would answer. As the Chinese are striving today, and Peter Zeihan on beautiful YT explains very well in a documentary.

Shubhra draws a sketch yet again

  Against the vanity of 52 gates. She had just visited Varanasi a few weeks back, to give a background. If you like RSS and want to cherish the aspirations of the Three Temple minimum, read this book - Buy BHARTIYA ITIHAS KI BHAYANKAR BHULEN BY-P.N OAK Book Online at Low Prices in India | BHARTIYA ITIHAS KI BHAYANKAR BHULEN BY-P.N OAK Reviews & Ratings - Personally, I can condone many things and absorbing anything that causes discord is not necessary to the salt, monkey and element of every system/religion.

Beautiful free movies

 I would say watch Criterion collection movies, but if you are going to pirate it is better to point to this channel on YT - The viewer would need to know or spoken Russian or written Arabic. They are spectacular, and if you want to watch them on Criterion search Andrei Tarkovsky.

Things past and things forward

I wanted to keep a regularly updated blog for a no Social Media days. I do not like to see colorful faces of strangers pop splash on my screen.  And I do not like to keep a track of digital rhythms too much.  I am the author of 9 books, published and available in one form or another on e-commerce websites - : vaibhav sunder One reason was to insulate what I knew in various spheres of life. To keep a record after working with certain ideas and seeing that someone may see the contents someday. In my Academic research there are the following websites with these contents- (99+) Vaibhav Sunder - Vaibhav Sunder (0009-0003-3257-5634) - My ORCID ResearchGate My research now continues towards acquiring more foreign languages and the AI sphere in computing to better stretch ahead with what Big Data was doing. I am currently aspiring to research and complete my Law related book. I have a deep bent towards the left and right equally in more than one matters. I run t...